Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Correspondence from Richard Carew to Tim Brennan 30 August 2010

Goode freynde,

A worde of warninge from mine archiv -

One day the lionne feignede to be ƒick and went a limping up to the unicorn, his chief enemy. He did grete himme and said to unto himme, 'Let us put aƒide all that we have donne in the paƒt, because I am no longer able to harme anyone at all. Fore, I am olde and suffering from physicke various. May afore I dye, I would verye much likke to ƒpeak with my wiffe who is in yon wildernesse. So, kind ƒir, if I might be ƒo bolde, lende me thine horne to uƒe aƒ a walking ƒticke on my journey ƒince it iƒ just the right lengthe and very ƒturdy. I promise to return it to ye aƒ ƒoon aƒ I reach my wife; I give you my word.' The unicorn believed himme welle and pitied hiƒ feignede diƒtreƒƒ, ƒo he loanede the lyon hiƒ horne and waƒ thus left defenceleƒ. Said lion then inflicted a serious wounde upon the unicorn and laid him low. The unicorn ƒaid, 'You are guilty not ƒo much of cruelty as of treachere, ƒince you repaid my kindeneƒƒe with actƒ wickede and dothe betraye the promiƒe ye made unto me.' The lyon ƒaid, ‘Thou art a foole, don't you knowe welle the ƒaying,

The man who prolongƒ hiƒ enemyeƒ life
Takes ƒomething from hiƒ own;
clemence dothe notte entail
Showing mercy to oneƒ enemye.

The unicorn replied, 'Thou art a traitor, do you not knoweƒt that in the ƒame boke it iƒ written:

Let the victory which we contriveƒt by the ƒword
Be an honourable victorye or no victorye at all
Let not poƒterity rede that I won by guile; no perfidy
Should obƒcure my triumph.

Therefor, aƒ we read in Eccleƒiaƒticuƒ XII: Do not ever truƒteth thine enemye. Alwayƒ protect thine ƒelf from himme, even if he comths to thee humble and ƒupplicating. The truth of thiƒ be playne to ƒee.

Thine humble servant

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

25 August 2010

today's research:
mobile art pieces:
Ready made Trailer
Mike Kelley's Moobile homestead
Vito Acconci mobile Linear City
Martha Rosler's Library

Portrait of Richard Carew.

Update essay wall.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Itinerant Toolkit Edition no.2

The second edition of the Itinerant Toolkit has begun.
The toolkit will be taking up residence at The Plymouth Arts Centre As part of Ambulation. Every Wednesday/Thursday the Keeper will be on hand to answer questions about the project whilst carrying out research and recording changes to the toolkit.
Also keep checking back to see the on-going correspondence between Tim Brennan and Richard Carew as part of a commission by the toolkit.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Correspondence from Tim Brennan to Richard Carew 6 August 2010

Dear Richard Carew,

Many thanks for your letter dated 17 July. Your reflections upon your own motivations of enquiry into our material past are extremely useful in relation to the work I pursue. I can see why you might have reservations as to the naming of my practice as ‘radical’. Indeed one of our more recent humanist scholars, Raymond Williams suggested that any venture that is publicised as being ‘radical’ invariably is not. And so I am taking a gamble here.

My approach has been to enquire into our ‘doing of history’ and to free the material traces of this process (processes) from contemporary categorisation. Examples might involve the following objects that emerge from artistic and historical events are often understood within the terms of sculpture; ‘artefact’ (professional); ‘find’ (amateur/professional) or ‘antique’ (commercial). There is interplay and slippage between their status but ultimately, as taxonomical conventions, they go unquestioned. In 2010, this limits our ability to understand the entire materiality of our lives beyond that of the saleable (commodification). I am therefore calling upon the terms of, ‘Antiquarianism’ as a means to manoeuvre through this problem. ‘Antiquarianism’ for yourself was perhaps ‘radical’ in the sense that it was ‘new’. It is ‘radical’ now, in part because it is ‘old’.

I will indeed consider the use of the walking stick beyond that of its practical function. It is as much a ‘wand’, ‘pencil’ or ‘spade’ etc. as it is a tool for steadying oneself along a walked path. I am looking forward to peering through that which appears obvious ‘to define the outlines of oppressione and conflicte that stande beneathe, before and above’ us.

I feel that we have a close affinity with regard to the above.

Kind regards

Tim Brennan